Brazil is authorizing the Oxford / AstraZeneca and Coronavac vaccines for emergency use

Minutes later, Monica Calazans, a black nurse from downtown São Paulo, became the first Brazilian to be vaccinated. Calazans, who are at high risk of developing complications from Covid-19 and working in an ICU that has had a capacity of 90% or more since April, burst into tears before receiving a Coronavac injection.

„You don’t understand what this means to me,“ she told São Paulo Governor Joao Doria.

Brazil is the country hardest hit by Covid-19 in Latin America. There have been more than 8 million cases of infection and more than 200,000 deaths from the Coronavirus. While many of its neighbors have already approved vaccines for use, Brazil appears to be underdeveloped Despite its renowned public health and vaccination record.

Coronavac, developed by the Chinese company Sinovac, is now authorized to use 6 million imported doses. It has a history in the state of São Paulo, where the local Botantan Institute conducted clinical trials of a phase III vaccine. Butantan will also produce future doses.

However, Koronavac has shown Low efficiency rate of 50.4%Barely higher than the minimum 50% set by the World Health Organization. The figure, which is well below the previously announced 78%, has raised questions about the validity of the data and raised doubts about the apparent lack of transparency regarding Chinese vaccines.

The technical report issued by ANVISA confirmed the green light for Coronavac that the agency has also taken into account the urgency of the cases of Covid-19 virus in Brazil and the „lack of treatment alternatives“.

Here's how some of the pioneering vaccines against the Coronavirus work

It also recommended that the vaccine be monitored more closely, noting that the Butantan Institute did not provide important data from the third phase study, such as the duration of protection provided by the vaccine and its effect on the elderly, those with comorbidities and other patient groups.

I promised periodically To make the vaccines developed in the state available to the Brazilian Federal Ministry of Health for nationwide distribution.
He said in a press conference after the vaccinations were approved: „The fifth day. It is the day of vaccination, the day of truth, the day of victory, the day of life.“ Pointed stroke in Health Minister Eduardo Pazuelo Unwillingness to abide by the nationwide start date of vaccination, which he previously said would begin „on day D and at hour H.“
The Oxford / AstraZeneca Vaccine, Which showed 70.4% average efficacy in Phase III trials, has also been approved for the use of two million doses, which will be imported from the Institute of Serum India by the Brazilian Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fucruz).

Fiucruz signed a deal to buy and produce the vaccine with the pharmaceutical giant AstraZeneca in June. After successive delays, in October the Brazilian government signed a contract for 256 million doses and announced that it would receive the first doses in December.

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After another series of delays, Fiucruz expects to receive the first shipment by the end of January.

CNN’s Rodrigo Pedroso is from Sao Paulo and Caitlin is from New York.

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