Najnovšie plány NASA na testovanie kritickej rakety Artemis I Moon

SLS od NASA a Falcon 9 od SpaceX na štartovacom komplexe 39A a 39B

Raketu NASA Space Launch System (SLS) s kozmickou loďou Orion na palube je možné vidieť na mobilnej štartovacej rampe v Launch Complex 39B, keď sa štartovací tím Artemis I pripravuje na svoj ďalší pokus o skúšobné testovanie v mokrom oblečení, rovnako ako raketa SpaceX Falcon 9 s kozmická loď Crew videla Dragon spoločnosti na palube štartovacej rampy v štartovacom komplexe 39A, keďže prípravy na misiu Axiom Mission 1 (Ax-1) pokračujú v stredu 6. apríla 2022 v Kennedyho vesmírnom stredisku NASA na Floride. Misia Ax-1 je prvou súkromnou misiou astronautov na Medzinárodnej vesmírnej stanici. Členovia posádky Ax-1 veliteľ Michael Lopez-Alegria zo Španielska a Spojených štátov amerických, pilot Larry Connor zo Spojených štátov, špecialisti misie Eitan Stipe z Izraela a Mark Bathy z Kanady odštartovali 8. apríla zo štartovacieho komplexu 39A v Kennedyho vesmírnom stredisku. Poďakovanie: NASA/Joel Kosky

interim cryogenic propulsion stage (ICPS) with the ground systems at Kennedy. Due to the changes in loading procedures required for the modified test, wet dress rehearsal testing is slated to resume with call to stations on Tuesday, April 12 and tanking on Thursday, April 14. Wet dress rehearsal is an opportunity to refine the countdown procedures and validate critical models and software interfaces. The modified test will enable engineers to achieve the test objectives critical to launch success.  

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Engineers have identified a helium check valve that is not functioning as expected, requiring these changes to ensure safety of the flight hardware. Helium is used for several different operations, including purging the engine, or clearing the lines, prior to loading propellants during tanking, as well as draining propellant. A check valve is a type of valve that allows liquid or gas to flow in a particular direction and prevents backflow. The helium check valve is about three inches long and prevents the helium from flowing back out of the rocket. 

Following the modified test, the Space Launch System rocket and Orion spacecraft will return to the Vehicle Assembly Building (VAB) where engineers will evaluate the valve and replace if needed. Teams are confident in the ability to replace the valve once back in the VAB.   

NASA will host a teleconference to discuss details on Monday, April 11. Check back at this blog for an update on the countdown timeline prior to the modified wet dress rehearsal testing for the Artemis I mission. NASA is streaming live video of the rocket and spacecraft on the Kennedy Newsroom YouTube channel 

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