Parler is back online after Amazon made it offline

Parler is back online.

Screenshot by Sarina Diaram / CNET

After Amazon, Google, and Apple forced Parler to go offline in the wake of the deadly Capitol Rebellion in the United States, the social networking company managed to return online on Sunday.

The social media site, popular with supporters of President Donald Trump, has not regained full operability, but Parler’s CEO John Matze is It is said „confidentIt will appear again in full by the end of January.

„Our return is inevitable because of hard work and perseverance against all odds,“ reads Matzy on the Parler website.

„Despite the threats and harassment, not a single Parler employee has resigned. We have become closer and stronger as a team.“

The social networking site went dark when Amazon stopped providing cloud hosting services to it after it was revealed that the platform was used to help organize the Capitol Hill attack on January 6, which left five people dead. Amazon’s actions came on the heels of moves by Apple and Google to block the Parler mobile app from their stores. The Parler app, most popular among its user base, is still unavailable.

Parler's social media app on the Apple app store

Parler’s social media app on the Apple App Store is no longer available.

Stephen Shankland / CNET

Questions have been raised about how Parler was brought back online after being kicked off the Internet. The Parler domain is registered with Epik, according to the WHOIS database of domain names. Epik Statement Posted on Monday, however, says the company „has no contact or discussions with Parler in any way regarding becoming a registry or hosting provider.“

Quoting the infrastructure expert, Reuters report He noted that the IP address that Epic uses is owned by DDos-Guard, which is „controlled by two Russian men and provides services including protection from distributed denial-of-service attacks.“ According to the report, the company that owns DDos-Guard is called Cognitive Cloud LP.


WHOIS search on Parler’s website shows that it is registered with Epik.

Screenshot by Sarina Diaram / CNET

Parler CEO John Matzi did not immediately respond to CNET’s request for comment.

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