The Nintendo Switch Leak reveals massive pre-release features

A new Nintendo leak has revealed a huge feature of the Nintendo Switch and Nintendo Switch Lite that was inexplicably snapped before it debuted in 2017. The news is courtesy of Nintendo’s archives and courtesy of a 2014 document that reveals a host of details regarding the assets from the console, including Its original design, Which is not like the final product. In addition to revealing the console’s original design, the documents reveal that the plan included 3D video support to allow the console to be compatible with the Nintendo 3DS.

It’s not entirely clear if Nintendo plans to have global backward support, and it’s unclear why the feature was scrapped, but the document reveals that much of Nintendo’s early plans for the Switch were either truncated or changed prior to release.

For example, while the Nintendo Switch ended up showing a 720p screen, in 2014 the plan was for the screen to be only 480p. Again, it’s not clear why Nintendo changed its mind here, but it’s a good thing it did.

Meanwhile, perhaps by pegging backwards compatibility for the 3DS, Nintendo hasn’t made a decision if the Switch has one or two screens. Of course, it is very likely that there are 480 pixels on the table to facilitate the possibility of having two monitors.

For now, none of these details have been verified by Nintendo. In other words, while the documents leave no room for doubt, they and the information they publish must be taken into account. However, if Nintendo makes any kind of comment regarding the leak, we’d be sure to update the story accordingly.

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